Braless in Wonderland
Dutton Children’s Books
ISBN: 978-0-525-47954-3
If you’re reading this and expecting a tale of some top model who wins the heart of a rock star, adopts a third world baby, launches her own clothing line, winds up on the cover of Us Weekly’s Who’s Hot issue, and gets her own reality show (or at least, her own E! True Hollywood Story), then I better warn you . . . That’s not exactly what happened to me
Allee Rosen is a lot of things: high school senior, overachiever, feminist, brainiac. The one thing she’s not is super model material. She leaves that to pretty people like her little sister (a.k.a. “The Fluff”). That’s why it’s a complete shock when Allee, not her sister, is the one spotted by modeling scouts at the mall and signed by a major modeling agency in Miami.