
Debbie is an experienced public speaker, workshop leader, and instructor. She can tailor her appearance to suit your event. Here are some of her recent workshops:

  • Hook ’em in! Tips, tricks and techniques for grabbing the readers’ attention from page one, since the first pages are the most important.
  • The Power of Babble and the character/dialogue connection: mean what you say and say what you mean. Dialogue do’s and don’ts, tips and fun exercises.
  • A book is born! How does a story become a book? From inspiration to publication, a journey through the process. Includes my author secrets, tips and a sneak peek into the world of publishing.
  • Ready, set, write! How to get started writing your novel, from idea to finished manuscript. Tips on how to set up your plot and create strong, believable characters.
  • Screenwriting Techniques for Novelists with Debbie Reed Fischer Whether you’re writing a novel or screenplay, using a script format can streamline your plotting and pacing, as well as sharpen character dialogue.
  • How to Create a Villain What makes a good bad guy? How do you create a villain readers love to hate? The more successful your baddie, the better your story.

  • Humor, Pacing and Plot What makes something funny? How are humor, pacing, and plot related? Can you use a piece of music to structure your book? Whether you already write humor or want to add humor to your current WIP, this workshop will give you practical tips on how to use time-tested comedy tropes without being cliche.

Debbie captivates writers with her unique approaches to teaching writing techniques. I highly recommend her workshops for your writer’s group. We have a mix of writers from different genres and they all leave her workshop with new ideas for improving their works in progress. The comments from her recent workshops are:

I have attended several of Ms. Reed Fischer’s writing workshops in the past and, as always, I enjoyed and learned so much from her workshop. In her writing workshop on “How to Create a Villain”, I especially liked the way Ms. Reed Fischer showed how to create the proper degree of conflict between the Main Character/Protagonist and the Villain. Thank you for having Ms. Reed Fischer. I hope she will continue to give more writing workshops in the future.
-Lily Delgado, SCBWI conference student

Thank you for this interesting and informative presentation. Debbie’s a fabulous teacher and I always learn something new when I take a class with her.
-Amy Cho, Mystery Writers of America workshop attendee

Debbie’s workshops are the best! Presenter was GREAT. Very interesting and useful material. Thank you!
-Serena Smith, Nova Southeastern University, Adult Services Librarian, Alvin Sherman Library, Research and Information Technology Center

Not only does Debbie hold teens’ attention with her writing, she’s also a fantastic speaker. I’d recommend that any Media Specialist or Librarian worth her/his salt get Ms. Fischer into her/his library to meet their young people.
-Mary H Burns, Head, Youth Services, West Boynton Library

Debbie is extremely warm, approachable, knowledgeable and passionate about writing. She easily conveyed her enthusiasm and knowledge to the teens and also presented fun writing activities and prizes. Not only does she write well for teens, she really gets them and connects well with them. I’d love to have her back.
-Lisa M. Kreutter, Reference & Young Adult Librarian, Delray Beach Public Library

Debbie Reed Fischer is an engaging and fun speaker. Kids relate to her well and she presents material that they find relevant and interesting. Her humor, intelligence and style make a dynamite combination for any kind of presentation.
-Joyce Sweeney, writing teacher and award-winning author

Listening to Debbie Reed Fischer speak is like stepping back into your childhood. A delight for young and old. Pleasant and non-assuming, she delivers her story like a pro. She is that breath of fresh air that makes you want to pick up a pen and start your own story.
-Mary Meillier Magnet Program and Grant Coordinator, Broward County Schools